Hi all, so its the night before my first English Lit exam and I thought I'd give a little insight into how I'm cramming my time!
So originally my plan for today looked like this:
(insert photo)
However that didn't go exactly to plan for several reasons:
1) I was late to college so couldn't start my exam revision period at exactly 10
2) I was planning on meeting my boyfriend after his maths exam but I got confused with the times, thinking his exam was 2 hours instead of 1 1/2. This realisation meant that I only managed half an hour of revision time this morning
3) I then got distracted and went back to my boyfriend's house instead of staying in the library like I should've which meant I couldn't make up for my first revision period however I did manage to complete a full study period from 12-1:30 when I got to his
4) I then got distracted AGAIN for my 3rd planned revision session of the day but I did manage to read a little bit about the genre of Tragedy in terms of ASND and put some Othello critics onto quizlet flashcards which I plan to use tomorrow morning
5) I then went to a meeting with a local charity I work with and, although the meeting was really interesting and a fantastic opportunity, it did overrun meaning I wasn't home in time for my 4th study session I planned for 6:30
6) LASTLY, I've started writing this blog post instead of doing revision HOWEVER I do believe this may help me plan my cramming effectively and I have started to do some quick fire essay plans that I will be posting probably later today
Right, so in order to counteract my failures today, I will do the following before my exam at 1:30 tomorrow:
1) Finish at least 1 essay plan for each text
2) Re-read Othello ACT 4 in detail and skim ACTs 2 and 3
3) Quickly brush over my context notes for both texts and look up anything I'm overly unsure of
4) Check the Othello revision blog that inspired me to make this one to see if I've forgotten anything major
5) Learn at least one critic quote from each critical essay on Othello
6) Brush over the scene summaries of ASND in my York Notes and possibly on Sparknotes
7) If I have time, look through some resources on Get Revising, The Student Room and YouTube
8) Re-read old essays!!!
Wish me luck everyone (I will highlight the cramming tasks in green if I've completed them!)
Jem ~ signing off ~
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