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English Literature - Essay Planning

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A question that emerges fairly commonly is how language, structure and form can be incorporated into an essay. Obviously form varies depending on which paper you're analysing, for instance poetic form would incorporate rhythm, metre and they poem type (sonata, lyric, etc.) whereas prose form may be linked to genre. It is important to look at these three sections of analysis as interlinking.

If you took a house for a visual example:
Form - House outline
Structure - Individual rooms
Language - Furniture

Below are some aspects of each of these three sections that you should aim to cover within your essays!

o Fiction / Non-fiction: Novel | Poem | Drama | Biography | Travel Writing | Letter | Diary
o Genre: Dystopian | Specualtive | Tragedy | Allegory | Epic | Ballad | Sonnet | Elegy | Free Verse | Comedy
o Narrative: Omnicient | Monologue | Dialogue | Objective | Self-Conscious | Stanzas | Scenes | Chapters | Rhyme Scheme | Rhythm | Metre | Syntax | Enjambment | Caesura | Line Length

o Thematic Development: Tone | Setting | Suspense | Rising Action | Mood | Atmosphere
o Irony: Dramatic | Situational | Verbal
o Technique: Symbolism | Sound Patterning | Metaphor | Foreshadowing 

o Imagery: Tactile | Visual | Aural | Olfactory | Gustatory
o Formal / Informal Usage: Exaggeration | Colloquialism | Diction | Hyperbole | Personification
o Sound Patterning: Alliteration | Onomatopoeia | Connotation | Dennotation | Assonance | Consonance


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