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EXAM CRAM - The Night Before . . .

ENGLISH LITERATURE (PAPER 1) - DRAMA (ASND & OTHELLO) Hi all, so its the night before my first English Lit exam and I thought I'd give a little insight into how I'm cramming my time! So originally my plan for today looked like this: (insert photo) However that didn't go exactly to plan for several reasons: 1) I was late to college so couldn't start my exam revision period at exactly 10 2) I was planning on meeting my boyfriend after his maths exam but I got confused with the times, thinking his exam was 2 hours instead of 1 1/2. This realisation meant that I only managed half an hour of revision time this morning 3) I then got distracted and went back to my boyfriend's house instead of staying in the library like I should've which meant I couldn't make up for my first revision period however I did manage to complete a full study period from 12-1:30 when I got to his 4) I then got distracted AGAIN for my 3rd planned revision session...
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English Literature - Othello

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English Literature - A Streetcar Named Desire

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English Literature - Essay Planning

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English Literature - Essay Examples (Marked)

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