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Showing posts from April, 2018

English Literature - Victorian Poetry

CONTEXT - CHARLOTTE BRONTË ~  1816 - 1854  ~ o Believed that if she were to marry someone then she must be willing to die for them o Thought to be a wild, romantic enthusiast o Wrote under the pseudo name 'Currer Bell'  * her brother never knew she wrote o Founded a school and taught her sisters o Fan of satire o Thought of her brother's death as a waste of talent (letter to WS Williams in 1848) WHAT POEMS DID SHE WRITE (THAT WE STUDY)? o ' The Autumn day its cours has run - the Autumn evening falls ' o ' The house was still - the room was still ' o ' I now had only to retrace ' o ' The Nurse believed the sick man slept ' o Stanzas WHAT STYLE / THEMES / TYPES OF TECHNIQUE DOES C.BRONTË USE? o Satire o Passionate Love o Romantic o Sense of a Journey

English Literature - A Streetcar Named Desire

KEY QUOTATIONS AND THEIR INTERPRETATIONS ' There is something about her uncertain manner... that suggests a moth ' ~ Stage Directions (on Blanche), Scene 1 ~ Hints at Blanche's fragility, and perhaps her preference for night-time. It is thought that Blanche was based off of Tennessee Williams' dear sister Rose who suffered with mental instability and was confined to a mental asylum for the majority of her life. An earlier version of the play was entitled 'The Moth'! "There weren't any papers , she didn't show any papers , I don't care about papers ." ~ Stella (to Stanley, about Blanche), Scene ? ~ Stella uses a triplet to emphasise to Stanley her disinterest in how 'Belle Reve' was "lost" and her happiness to accept the vagueness that Blanche delivered this news with. She is evidently exasperated at Stanley for pushing the matter but is this due to a lack of interest in material wealth, or a reluctance to question ...

English Literature - Essay Planning

LANGUAGE, STRUCTURE & FORM A question that emerges fairly commonly is how language, structure and form can be incorporated into an essay. Obviously form varies depending on which paper you're analysing, for instance poetic form would incorporate rhythm, metre and they poem type (sonata, lyric, etc.) whereas prose form may be linked to genre. It is important to look at these three sections of analysis as interlinking. If you took a house for a visual example: Form - House outline Structure - Individual rooms Language - Furniture Below are some aspects of each of these three sections that you should aim to cover within your essays! FORM : o Fiction / Non-fiction: Novel | Poem | Drama | Biography | Travel Writing | Letter | Diary o Genre: Dystopian | Specualtive | Tragedy | Allegory | Epic | Ballad | Sonnet | Elegy | Free Verse | Comedy o Narrative: Omnicient | Monologue | Dialogue | Objective | Self-Conscious | Stanzas | Scenes | Chapters | Rhyme Sc...

English Literature - Essay Examples (Marked)

EXPLORE HOW SHAKESPEARE TREATS THE THEME OF LOVE IN OTHELLO - RELATE YOUR DISCUSSION TO RELEVANT CONTEXT AND CRITICAL READING ~ timed: 1 hour ~ * I knew this essay title before writing it and did not include my planning within the time limit. I chose to write it this way as it allows me to learn relevant context, critics and content as I went along, as well as getting used to timed conditions for the actual essay writing. Key: * these are the notes my teacher made so will not mark every aspect of every AO within the essay, only those with most prominence and relevance! CORRECTIONS AO1 AO2 AO3 AO5 Love can thematically expand from romantic to familial to friendship however its purpose in Shakespeare's plays is usually to highlight human error and societal constraints . Chains of events linked to both of these subjects are what inevitably leads Othello's narrative to its tragic and pathetic conclusion. Loomba argues that 'Iago's machinations are e...

German - Sub-Themes

ASPECTS OF GERMAN-SPEAKING SOCIETY - JUGENDKULTUR: MODE, MUSIK, FERNSEHEN WHAT ARE SOME INTERESTING FACTS / FIGURES? o Anderen Altersgruppe verbringen ihren taeglich Zeit unterschiedlich vor dem Fernseher  - (5-10) = 120 Minuten / 2 Stunde  - (11-13) = 320 Minuten / 5 Stunde und 20 Minuten  - (13-18) = 103 Minuten / 1 Stunde und 43 Minuten o Kinder und Jugendliche sehen und hoeren an einem durchschnittlichen Tag im deutschen Fernsehen:  - 43 Schimpfwoerter  - 28 Schiessereien  - 10 Verfolgungsjagden im Auto  - 8 Morde  - 4 Sexszenen  - 1 Vergewaltigen o Fast ein Viertel der Jugendliche (unter 25) in Deutschland haben ein oder mehrere Tattoos o Immer mehr Casting-Shows laufen zurzeit im deutschen Fernsehen o Aus dem Jugendlichen, die diese Casting-Shows schauern, gibt es 60% der Jungen und 80% der Maedchen o Fast ein Viertel der Musik in deutschen Rock- und Popcharts ist heutzutage deutchsprachig WHAT ARE SOME GENERAL OPINI...

German - Sub-Themes

ASPECTS OF GERMAN-SPEAKING SOCIETY - DIE DIGITALE WELT WHAT ARE SOME INTERESTING FACTS / FIGURES? o In Oesterreich planen Frauenministerin Sabine Oberhauser und Justizminister Wolfgang Brandstetter die Einfuehrung von Massnahmen gegen Frauenhass im Netz WHY MIGHT WOMEN NOT FEEL SAFE ONLINE? ,,Soziale Netzwerke haben mein Leben kaputt gemacht. Ich wage nicht mehr mich einzuloggen." (Gudrun, 22) o Frauenfeindliche Sprueche o Vergewaltigungsdrohungen o Mobbing und Belaestigung in sozialen Netzwerken o Links zu Gewalt- und Pornoseiten o Veroeffentlichung von Intimfotos o Beleidigungen wegen des Aussehens WHAT ARE SOME EXAMPLE BULLET POINTS? o Was erfaehrt man ueber Frauenhass im Internet? o Welches Ziel hat die Webseite Klicksafe und wie versucht sie, dieses Ziel su erreichen? o Welches Problem wird hier mit WLAN-Netz beschrieben? o Was zeigt die Statistik ueber Handy o Was fuer Probleme bringt Ihre Meinung nach das Internet im Allgemeinen mit sich? o Wie sin...

Classic: Ancient History - Essay Planning

A2 - GREECE & PERSIA ' RELATIONS BETWEEN GREEK CITY-STATES AND PERSIANS CHANGED COMPLETELY AS A RESULT OF THE BATTLE OF MARATHON. ' TO WHAT EXTENT DO THE SOURCES SUPPORT THIS VIEW? Step 1: When I started planning this essay, I made a table showing relations between Greece and Persia before and after the Battle of Marathon. The ' before ' column included things like:  - Darius' earlier expedition to Thrace (513 BC)  - Ionian Revolt and the involvement of Greek allies, specifically Athens and Eritrea (499-493 BC)  - Athens' refusal to take back Hippias, thus rebuking their 'earth and water' pledge to Persia  - Mardonius' expedition (492 BC)  - General attitudes that greek poleis and the Persian empire had towards each other before their first real battle interaction in 490 BC Whereas, the ' after ' column had examples such as:  - Improved Greek unity vs better Persian tactical strategies, suggesting that the attitudes of the...

English Literature - Victorian Poetry

CONTEXT - ALFRED TENNYSON ~ 1809 - 1892 ~ •  Worried about money • His father had a long streak of mental instability (drink & drugs)  •  History of epilepsy (considered a shameful disease) • Mildly enthusiastic with foreign politics  •  Intense 4 year friendship with Arthur Henry Hallam * Depression after Hallam died young in 1833  •  His short-sightedness meant he composed many poems mentally which reflected in his structure •  Considered one of the headlining poets of the Victorian era * Awarded the title Poet Laureate in 1850 (year that 131 sections of In Memoriam were published) WHAT POEMS DID HE WRITE (THAT WE STUDY)? ~ 1850 ~ • In Memoriam : VII 'Dark House by which once more I stand • In Memoriam : XCV 'By night we linger'd on the lawn' ~ 1855 ~ • Maud : I.xi 'O let the solid ground' •  Maud : I.xviii 'I have led her home, my love, my only friend' •  Maud : I.xxii 'Come into the gard...


GRAMMAR BLAST Formation of the Passive: AKTIV : ,,Der Sturm hat das Haus zerstoert" (the storm destroyed the house) PASSIV (keiner Agent) : ,,Das Haus ist zerstoert worden" (the house was destoryed) PASSIV (mit Agent) : ,,Das Haus ist von den Sturm zerstoert worden (the house was destroyed by the storm) ,,FALSCH PASSIV" (praediktiv Adjektiv) : ,,Das Haus ist / war zerstoert" (the building is / was destroyed) HOW DOES ON CONVERT AN ACTIVE SENTENCE INTO THE PASSIVE? Sarah gab mir einem Geschenk (imperfekt aktiv) Ich wurde von Sarah einem Geschenk gegeben (imperfekt passiv) 1) Switch the subject and the direct object  - the direct object becomes the subject so changes from accusative to nominative  - the subject becomes the agent (von + dat - action performed by human / animal | durch + acc - otherwise) 2) Add the correct form of werden  - look at tense of the sentence as well as the sing. / plu. status of the original subject 3) Change the ...

Classics: Ancient History - Battles

THE BATTLE OF ACTIUM WHAT WAS THE BACKGROUND TO THIS CONFLICT? o 33 BC : The breakdown of the second Triumvirate was caused by Antony's treatment of Octavia  - he basically disavowed his and Octavian's marriage alliance by openly recognising Cleopatra as his wife  - war between the two was inevitable o Octavian had the upper hand in war propoganda because of his station in Rome  - when the inhabitants of Italian towns and cities swore allegiance to Octavian and his descendants and pledged to support him against his private enemies, the provincials of Sicily, Sardinia, Africa, Spain and Gaul followed suit o 32 BC : Antony's amicii were consuls and they opposed Octavian's demands to read Antony's will  - Antony sent formal notification of his divorce to Octavia o Octavian ensured that Antony's will (which he got from the Vestal Virgins) was made public which horrified the Romans  - recognition Ptolemy Caesar as the true son of Julius Caesar  - ex...

English Literature - Essay Planning

GENERAL WHAT ARE THE KEY FEATURES OF A SUCCESSFUL ESSAY? o Answers the Question o Well-Structured - Develops a clear line of Argument o Uses Textual Evidence effectively o Includes close analysis of Language o Well-Expressed & accurately Written o Uses a Range of Contexts effectively o Interesting for the Reader o Strong Introduction & Conclusion o Demonstrates Independent Thought, Personal Engagement & some Originality o Engages in Critical Debate o Uses an Advanced Critical Vocabulary o Fulfils the Assessment Objectives   WHAT ARE SOME HANDY TECHNIQUES? o PEE (Point | Evidence | Explanation) o PEA (Point | Evidence | Analysis) o PEAL (Point | Evidence | Analysis | Link) o PETER (Point | Evidence | Technique | Explanation | Reflection / Reader's Response) o PEECEE (Point | Evidence | Explanation | Comparison | Evidence | Explanation) ~ word of warning ~ Although all of these structures include all the required components of a good essay parag...

Classics: Ancient History - Essay Planning

A2 - ROME HOW FAR DO THE SOURCES SUPPORT THE VIEW THAT THE SENATE FAILED TO DEAL WITH THE CHALLENGES FACING THE ROMAN REPUBLIC? WHAT TOPIC(S) DOES THIS QUESTION FALL UNDER? o Challenges made by these individuals & factions to the authority of the Senate, and the various responses to emergencies  - changing distribution of power  - importance of individuals  - violence as a political tool  - growing importance of plebs & their demands WHAT IS RELEVANT TO THAT TOPIC? o Sulla & Caesar's dictatorship  - unprecedented power of Pompey & other militarians o Social unrest within Rome  - increase of violence ( especially in the 50s BC ) o Risk of Civil War o Campaigns ( against Spartacus, Pirates, etc. ) o Ambitons of Individuals and the threats they posed to the Senate ( Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, etc. ) WHAT SOURCES HAVE I DECIDED TO USE AND WHY? o in Catilinam, II, 18 ( Cicero's Speeches ) - novae tabulae ( 63 BC ) o Life of S...

Classics: Ancient History - Essay Examples (Marked)

A2 -  Rome HOW FAR DO THE SOURCES SUPPORT THE VIEW THAT THE SENATE FAILED TO DEAL WITH THE CHALLENGES FACING THE ROMAN REPUBLIC? ~ timed: 1 hour ~ * I did not know the exact essay title before writing this however I was given just over an hour's planning time beforehand with the theme 'Socio-Economic Problems' to focus on Key: EXAMPLES DATES SOURCES ( TEACHER NOTES ) Throughout the 70s , 60s and 50s BCE , the Roman Senate faced many socio-economic challenges. Not only did this include the increasing power of individuals such as Pompey and Caesar but also external factors which affected Rome like the Social War ( 90-88 BCE ), for which the problems were never fully addressed, the Slave revolt ( 73-71 BCE ) and the Piracy issues (mainly in 67 BCE ). The Senate took several stances on how to approach these challenges but largely they used powerful militarians or strong politicians to take control of the situation. In this essay I ( NEVER USE 'I' IN AN...

Classics: Ancient History - Source Reliability

DIODORUS SICULUS WHO WAS HE? o Roman from Sicily in 1st century BC o Writing from 60-30 BC CONTEXT OF WRITINGS? o 40 books of history in 3 sections  - 1) Mythic history until Trojan war  - 2) Trojan war until Alexander the Great  - 3) Alexander the Great until 60 BC o Theme: all of the Mediterranean cities coming under Roman rule PURPOSES OF WRITINGS? o Year-by-Year account of Greek and Roman history WHAT WAS HIS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? o Romans circa 30 BC RELIABLE? o Conveys the virtues as well as the vices of his sources o Unequivocal evidence that the Spartan gerousia deliberated over policy and wasn't just a judical body UNRELIABLE? o Rarely quotes sources o Speeches are lacking o Mistakes in chronology o Never critical o He records some divine intervention Specified Sources: o Diodorus, 11.50 Other Useful Sources: ~ to be added in later ~

English Literature - A Streetcar Named Desire

CONTEXT Timeline of the American South ( 1800-1940 ) ~ events that may have influenced Williams ~ o  1812-1815: War of 1812  - known as the 'second war of independence'  - fought between the US and UK over territory  - United States nationalism rose after the victory at the Battle of New Orleans o  1812 Louisiana became a state   o  1861-1865: Civil war    - ‘war of southern independence’  - struggle for the abolishment of slavery o  1874: ‘New South’  -  (Henry W. Grady): was a term used to represent the modernisation of the south. This was due to the impacts of the civil war where the south was still relying on crops with low market prices (e.g. cotton) and was also still very rural. The outcomes of this industrialisation and urbanisation meant slavery was abolished  - shown through the binary opposites of Blanche (Southern Belle) and Stanley (Northern Industrial Working Class...