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Showing posts from March, 2018

German - Sub-Themes

ASPECTS OF GERMAN-SPEAKING SOCIETY - FAMILIE IM WANDEL WHAT ARE SOME INTERESTING FACTS / FIGURES? o Ein Viertel der Kinder in Deutschland wohnt bei einem alleinerziehenden Elternteil o Von alleinerziehenden Eltern sind: Muetter - 90% | Vaeter - 10% o Arbeitslosigkeit unter alleinerziehenden Muettern: 30% o hoeheres Armutsrisiko in alleinerziehenden Familien o Seit dem 1. August 2013 garantiert ein Gesetz in Deutschland allen Eltern von Kindern zwischen 1 und 3 Jahren das Recht auf Betreuung in einer Kindertagesstaette (,,Kita") oder bei einer anerkannten Tagesmutter o Jedes vierte Baby in Deutschland hat Eltern, die ueber 40 Jahre alt sind o Eine Befragung von 260 Familien ergab, dass die meisten Eltern und Kinder mit ihren Familienleben zufrieden sind o Im Durchschnitt verbringen deutsch Familien vier Stunde taeglich gemeinsam WHAT DO SINGLE PARENTS WISH FOR? o ,,Flexiblere Arbeitszeiten" o ,,Bessere Zusammenarbeit mit dem anderen Elternteil" o ,,Gute K...

German - Sub-Themes

GENERAL Aspects of German-Speaking Society o Familie im Wandel  - Beziehungen innerhalb der Familie  - Partnerschaft und Ehe  - Verschieden Familienformen o Die digitale Welt  - Das Internet  - Soziale Netzwerke  - Die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft o Jugendkultur: Mode, Musik und Fernsehen  - Mode und Image  - Die Bedeutung der Musik fuer Jugendliche  - Die Rolle des Fernsehens Artistic Culture in the German-Speaking World o Feste und Tradtitionen  - ihre Wurzeln und Urspruenge  - ihre soziale und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung heute  - Vielfaeltige Feste und Tradtionen in verschiedenen Regionen o Kunst und Architektur  - Kuenstler und Architekten  - im Alltag  - Vergangenheit, Gegenwart, Zukunft o Das Berlinerer Kulturleben damals und heute  - gepraegt durch seine Geschichte  - Theater, Musik und Museen in Berlin  - Die Vielfalt innerhalb der Bevoelkerung Berlins Mult...

German - Der Besuch Der Alten Dame

KEY QUOTATIONS * DO NOT OVERUSE QUOTES - no more than 2 should be used in your essay, however learning the below examples may help you to understand the character's & their development throughout the play! ,, - Sie vergessen, dass Sie sich in Guellen befinden. In einer Stadt mit humanistischer Tradition. Goethe hat hier uebernachtet, Brahms ein Quartett komponiert. Diese Werte verpflichten. " ~ Der Buergermeister, Zweiter Akt ~ ,, Doch nun will ich eine Rede halten, vom Besuch erzaehlen der alten Dame in Guellen. " ~  Der Lehrer, Dritter Akt ~ ILL: ,, Ich lebe in einer Hoelle, seit du von mir gegangen bist " CLAIRE ZACHANASSIAN: ,, Und ich bin die Hoelle geworden " ~ Erster Akt ~ ,, Keiner will mich toeten, jeder hofft, dass es einer tun werde, und so wird es einmal einer tun. " ~ Alfred Ill, Zweiter Akt ~ ,, Man wird Sie toeten. Ich weiss es, von Anfang an, und auch Sie wissen es schon lange, auch wenn es in Guellen sonst niemand wahr ...

English Literature - Essay Planning

BLOOM'S TAXONOMY This is a triangle of learning, beginning with knowledge and ending with evaluation, that signifies the six cognitive levels of complexity. The system I've worked with (shown below) is the old version however it is almost a foolproof system to create a model essay paragraph! When one is thinking through Bloom's Taxonomy, they must remember that the full argument cannot be structured until all 6 cognitive thoughts have been developed. Therefore, essay planning, in theory, should work its way up through this triangle in order to establish a clear answer for the question. 1. KNOWLEDGE o Recall of narrative / structure 2. COMPREHENSION o Understanding of how this links to themes 3. APPLICATION o What areas specifically contain these links (quotes) 4. ANALYSIS o How it relates to the text 5. SYNTHESIS o Creating an argument / why is my information relevant? 6. EVALUATION o Concluding Argument Here , I will link my personal use of Bloom...

German - Der Besuch Der Alten Dame

ESSAY QUESTIONS o Untersuchen Sie die Wirkung von Claires Besuch auf die anderen Personen in diesem Stueck  - Examine the effect of Claire's visit on the other characters in this play o Beurteilen Sie die Wichtigkeit des Buergermeisters in diesem Stueck  - Assess the importance of the mayor in this play o Analysieren Sie, wie erfolgreich die Symbolik in diesem Stueck ist  - Analyse how successful the symbolism in this play is o  Erklaeren Sie, was das Wort „Gerechtigkeit“ in diesem Stueck bedeutet  - Explain what the word "justice" means in this play o  Welche Rolle spielen die beiden Eunuchen Koby und Loby in dem Stueck?  - What role do the two eunuchs Koby and Loby have in the play? o  Analysieren Sie den Wandel, der in Guellen waehrend Claires Besuch stattfindet  - Analyse the change that takes place in Guellen during Claire's visit o  In wie fern kann man von einer Verurteilung Alfred Ills sprechen?  - ...

Classics: Ancient History - Source Reliability

AESCHYLUS WHO WAS HE? o Dramatist of early 5th Century o Military Man CONTEXT OF WRITINGS? o Fought at Marathon - also probably at Salamis & Plataea PURPOSE OF WRITINGS? o Warnings against hubris  - showed that human arrogance was punished severely by the gods ( Xerxes pushed his limits ) WHAT WAS HIS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? o Athenian men  - these were aware of Aeschylus' technique of deliberate omissions & inaccuracies in order to illustrate his purpose RELIABLE? o Eye-witness account o Military background  - vivid description of the battle of Salamis o Some collaborations with Herodotus UNRELIABLE? o Carries a religious message not just to glorify the Greek victory over Persia  - claims that Marathon was a victory of the gods o Doesn't mention any Greeks by name o Streamlined his account for dramatic purposes ( however, his audience was aware of this! ) Specified Sources: ~ N/A | A2 source ~ Other Useful Sources: o The Per...

Classics: Ancient History - Source Reliability

ARISTOPHANES WHO WAS HE? o Athenian (447 - 385 BC) o Comedic Playwright CONTEXT OF WRITINGS? o Famous for fighting against unworthy politicians that used Demagoguery (manipulative approachl to people using their emotions & prejudices) and ancients who practised Sophism (arguing for the sake of it) PURPOSE OF WRITINGS? o Entertain o Fight against Demagoguery & Sophism WHAT WAS HIS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? o Greek Males RELIABLE? o Outlook of Sparta from Athens UNRELIABLE? o Playwright NOT Historian o First & Foremost aim is comedic value not historical accuracy Specified Sources: o Lysistrata (980-1321) Other Useful Sources: ~ not sure there are any but I will update this if I find some ~


GRAMMAR BLAST Common Noun Endings: -ant ( der Elefant - elephant ) - ich ( der Tepich - carpet ) - ig ( der Honig - honey ) - ismus ( der Rassismus - racism ) - ling ( der Fruehling - spring ) - or ( der Motor - engine ) - us ( der Rhythmus - rhythmus ) - a ( die Pizza - pizza ) - anz ( die Eleganz - elegance ) - ei ( die Baeckerei - bakery ) - e ( die Sonne - sun ) - heit ( die Krankenheit - illness ) - keit ( die Freundlichkeit - friendliness ) - ie ( die Drogerie - chemist ) - in ( die Freundin - girlfriend ) - schaft ( die Gesellschaft - society ) - tion ( die Information - information ) - taet ( die Universitaet - university ) - ung ( die Buchhandlung - bookshop ) - ur ( die Natur - nature ) - chen ( das Maedchen - girl ) - um ( das Museum - museum ) - lein ( das Haeuslein - little house ) - ment ( das Appartement - apartment ) - nis ( das Erlebnis - experience ) - tel ( das Viertel - quarter ) - verbs used as nouns ( das Essen - food )


GRAMMAR BLAST Prep. + es -----> da( r ) + prep. EXAMPLES : in + es -----> darin ( in that / therein ) auf + es -----> darauf ( afterwards / after that / hereon / ensuing / there upon ) fuer + es -----> dafuer (in favour / for it | in exchange / instead / in return ) ueber + es -----> darueber ( in addition / above all / moreover / therefore )

Classics: Ancient History - Source Reliability

PLUTARCH WHO IS HE? o Greek living in a Roman World ( 46 BC - 120 AD ) o Biographer NOT Historian  - believed character was more important than accomplishments o Pontifex (not that important) CONTEXT OF WRITINGS? o Wrote biographies of famous Greeks and Romans ( compared Roman to Greek counterpart ) o Not a fan of the Julio-Claudian Emperors ( bias ) o Removed from the action ( theoretically objective ) PURPOSE OF WRITINGS? o Evaluated personality opposed to historical achievements o Based his comparison upon similar virtues & vices WHAT WAS HIS ORIGINAL AUDIENCE? o Educated Elite  - aristocratic / optimate bias  - known and admired by some Emperors RELIABLE? GREECE: o Variety of source material ROME : o Access to various records ( Senatorial / Imperial / Earlier Historians / Cicero's Letters ) o Easier to understand the complex nature of the Roman political system GENERAL: o Rounded portraits of the people he wrote about o Theore...

Classics: Ancient History - Battles

1st Mithridatic War WHO WAS MITHRIDATES? Valleius Paterculus - 'ever eager for war, of exceptional bravery, always in great spirit and sometimes in achievement, in strategy a general, in bodily prowess a soldier, in hatred to Romans, a Hannibal' o One of the most powerful rulers in Asia - King Mithridates Eupator ( VI ) o Extremely ambitious - gained the throne by murdering his brother & imprisoning his mother o Possessed characteristics of a Hellenistic monarch o Forceful character & exceptional physical strength o Admirer of Greek culture o Ability as a general matched his diplomacy WHAT WAS THE BACKGROUND TO THIS CONFLICT? o Mithridates had already explanded the kingdom of Pontus north of the Black sea o 104 BC : occupied Galatia, Paphlagonia & Cappadocia  - brought him into conflict with rulers friendly to Rome o 96 BC : Sulla ( currently governor of Cilicia ) reinstated the king of Cappadocia & prevented Mithridates establishing an allianc...

Classics: Ancient History - Individuals

SULLA WHAT IS SAID ABOUT HIM? Plutarch, Life of Sulla (31) : ~ Quote from Metellus on Proscriptions ~ ' "We are not asking you," he said, "to pardon those whom you have decided to kill; all we ask is that you should free from suspense those whom you have decided not to kill" ' Velleius Paterculus : ~ on Tribunes ~ 'Anyone of reputation or birth shunned the office thereafter' 'He left the tribunican power a shadow without substance' Plutarch, Life of Sulla (33) : ~ on Imperium ~ ( 81 BC ) 'A decree was passed giving him immunity for all his past acts, while for the future he was to have the power of life and death, the power to confiscate property, to found colonies, to found new cities or to demolish existing ones, to take away or bestow kingdoms at his pleasure' WHAT WERE HIS MOST IMPORTANT ACHIEVEMENTS? o Cursus Honorum  - redraft of the lex Villia Annalis (senator could not hold same office twice in 10 years) o Se...

English Literature (Edexcel A Level spec at a glance)

GENERAL Unit 1 - Drama 30% of total qualification WHAT'S ASSESSED? o SECTION A : One Shakespeare Play ( Othello )  - Critical Essays relating to Shakespeare Play ( A Critical Anthology - Tragedy ) o SECTION B : One other Tragedy or Comedy ( A Streetcar Named Desire - Tennessee Williams ) HOW'S IT ASSESSED? o Written Examination ( 2hrs, 15mins ) o SECTION A : 35 marks ( AO1 | AO2 | AO3 | AO5 ) o SECTION B : 25 marks ( AO1 | AO2 | AO3 ) Unit 2 - Prose 20% of total qualification WHAT'S ASSESSED? o Language, Structure & Form o Theme: Science & Society  - Pre-1900 Text ( Frankenstein - Mary Shelley )  - Other Text ( The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood ) HOW'S IT ASSESSED? o Written Examination ( 1hr ) o 40 marks ( AO1 | AO2 | AO3 | AO4 ) Unit 3 - Poetry 30% of total qualification WHAT'S ASSESSED? o Poetic Form, Meaning & Language o SECTION A : Post-2000 Specified Poetry  - Compare with one Unseen o SECTI...

Classics: Ancient History (OCR AS/A2 spec at a glance)

GENERAL AS - Greek History from Original Sources Option 3: Politics and Society of Ancient Sparta Literary Sources o Aristophanes, Lysistrata 980–1321 o Diodorus, 11.50 o Herodotus, 1. 65–68, 5. 39–51, 6. 56–86d, 7. 202–239 o Plutarch, Lycurgus, 6–9, 12–14, 24–26, 28 o Thucydides, 1. 79–87, 101–103 o Tyrtaeus, 10–12 o Xenophon, Constitution of the Spartans Topics o Social Structure of Sparta (incl. Spartiates, Perioikoi & Helots) o Political Structure of Sparta (incl. Kings, Gerousia, Ephors & Assembly) o Education and Values in Sparta | Role of Men and Women o Sparta and the Peloponnese, 480-404 BC (Corinth, Tegea, Argos & Messenia) o Views of Sparta from other states (Athens) o Spartan Mirage and Myth of Lycurgus (ref. Plutarch) AS - Roman History from Original Sources Option 1: Cicero and Political life in late Roman Republic Literary Sources o Cicero, Against Catiline II. 17–23, IV. 7–10, 20–22 o Cicero, Pro Sestio 75–79, 96–105 o Pro Murena ...

German (AQA A Level spec at a glance)

GENERAL Unit 1 - Listening, Reading & Writing Paper WHAT'S ASSESSED? Aspects of German-speaking society Artistic culture in the German-speaking world Multiculturalism in German-speaking society Aspects of political life in German-speaking society Grammar HOW'S IT ASSESSED? Written exam: 2 hours 30 minutes 100 marks 50% of A-level Section A - Listening & Writing ( 30 marks ) Section B - Reading & Writing ( 50 marks ) + Translation ( 10 marks & approx. 100 words each ) Unit 2 - Writing Paper WHAT'S ASSESSED? One text and one film or two texts from the list set in the specification Grammar HOW'S IT ASSESSED? Written exam: 2 hours 80 marks in total ( 40 marks & approx. 300 words each ) 20% of A-level Chosen Text - Der Besuch Der Alten Dame (Friedrich Duerrenmatt) Chosen Film - Das Leben Der Anderen (Florian Henckel Von Donnersmarck) Unit 3 - Speaking Assessment WHAT'S ASSESSE...

Blog No.3 - My Explanation

GENERAL Ok so this is my third blog I've started up now! - Travel Blog: - Nerd Blog: My reasoning behind blog no.3 is that my A Levels are rapidly approaching, my first being on May 11th, and as excited as I am for my post-exam travels, I have to get through the revision period first. As inspired by The History Girl (known blogs: History (A Level) - | English Language & Literature (A Level) - | African History (Uni Finals) - ), I have decided to set up a blogging platform in which to post all of my revision material, not only for my benefit but also to help others in similar subjects. All of my A Levels are a mix of specs, exam boards and faculties (kinda): o Classics: Ancient History (AS & A2 - final year of this spec) OCR o English Literature (A2 linear - 2nd year of this spec) Edexcel o German (A2 linear - 1st y...